Mabel Leifer

Mabel Leifer

Avid social media practitioner. Hardcore pizza evangelist. Extreme food buff. General sushi evangelist. Passionate coffee fan. Incurable burrito aficionado.

46 Author´s Articles
What is the study of cooking called?

What is the study of cooking called?

In a nutshell, culinary arts refer to the art of preparing, cooking, presenting and serving food. Molecular gastronomy is ...

What is Culinary Art? An Expert's Guide

What is Culinary Art? An Expert's Guide

Culinary arts is a broad term that refers to the preparation, cooking, presentation and service of food. It applies to...

What Career Paths are Available in Culinary Arts?

What Career Paths are Available in Culinary Arts?

Are you passionate about food and looking for a career in the culinary arts? You're in luck! The culinary industry offers ...

Careers in Culinary Arts: Exploring the Possibilities

Careers in Culinary Arts: Exploring the Possibilities

Are you passionate about cooking and looking for a career that will allow you to express your creativity? If so, a career ...

Culinary Arts: A Comprehensive Field of Study

Culinary Arts: A Comprehensive Field of Study

The culinary arts are a broad and complex field of study, encompassing the disciplines of cooking, baking, hotel...

What are the Different Culinary Careers?

What are the Different Culinary Careers?

Culinary artists are creative professionals who use food as their medium to create art. They have practical experience in ...

The Benefits of Learning Cooking Skills

The Benefits of Learning Cooking Skills

Cooking is an essential skill that can bring many benefits to your life. It can help you relieve stress, improve your...

What is the Field of Culinary Arts? A Comprehensive Guide

What is the Field of Culinary Arts? A Comprehensive Guide

The culinary arts are the art of preparing, cooking and presenting food, usually in the form of meals. People who work in ...

Where Can Culinary School Graduates Find Jobs?

Where Can Culinary School Graduates Find Jobs?

Culinary school graduates have a wide range of career options available to them. Most commonly, they work in the food...

Different culinary careers?

Different culinary careers?

Top 5 Careers for Culinary Graduates: Restaurant Chef, Personal Chef, Catering Service, Bakery and Pastry Chef, Food...

What is the Culinary Career Field?

What is the Culinary Career Field?

The culinary arts are a broad and complex field of study, encompassing the disciplines of cooking, baking, hotel...

What can a culinary degree do for you?

What can a culinary degree do for you?

However, many restaurants hire a pastry chef to exclusively deliver (and sometimes even design) the dishes on the dessert ...

5 Essential Cooking Skills for Every Chef

5 Essential Cooking Skills for Every Chef

Cooking is an art form, and like any art, it requires practice and dedication to master. From knife skills to mastering...

What is the #1 Culinary School in the World?

What is the #1 Culinary School in the World?

The culinary arts have become increasingly popular in recent years, and the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant...

25 Essential Cooking Skills Everyone Should Know

25 Essential Cooking Skills Everyone Should Know

Cooking is an essential life skill that everyone should learn. It can help you save money, eat healthier, and even learn...

The Fascinating World of Food Science

The Fascinating World of Food Science

As an expert in the field of food science, I have spent years studying the intricate and complex relationship between...

What is the Highest Culinary Degree?

What is the Highest Culinary Degree?

A Master of Culinary Arts is the highest degree you can earn in the culinary world. If you're considering taking your...

The Benefits of Pursuing a Career in Culinary Arts

The Benefits of Pursuing a Career in Culinary Arts

A career in the culinary arts can provide extraordinary opportunities. From operating a farm-to-table restaurant with...

Why Cooking Skills are Essential for Students

Why Cooking Skills are Essential for Students

Teaching cooking to young people is an opportunity to impart nutrition education, meal planning, and smarter food...

What is a Culinary Career? Exploring the Different Opportunities

What is a Culinary Career? Exploring the Different Opportunities

The culinary career is a diverse industry that offers a range of opportunities for those interested in cooking and...

What Job Opportunities Can You Get with Cooking Skills?

What Job Opportunities Can You Get with Cooking Skills?

Are you a culinary graduate looking for a career in the food industry? Or maybe you're an exhausted cook who wants to get ...

The Science Behind Food: Exploring the Role of Food Science in the Culinary Arts

The Science Behind Food: Exploring the Role of Food Science in the Culinary Arts

The culinary arts and food science are two disciplines that have been intertwined for centuries. While chefs have...

What is a Culinary Degree Called?

What is a Culinary Degree Called?

Are you looking to pursue a career in the culinary arts? If so, you may be wondering what type of degree you need to get...

The Benefits of Culinary Arts Education

The Benefits of Culinary Arts Education

Culinary education provides students with the opportunity to learn from some of the best kitchen professionals. They gain ...

What is the Highest Degree in Culinary Arts?

What is the Highest Degree in Culinary Arts?

Are you looking to take your culinary skills to the next level? A Master of Culinary Arts is the highest degree you can...

Culinary Careers: Exploring the Possibilities

Culinary Careers: Exploring the Possibilities

Are you passionate about food and looking for a career that will let you express your creativity? Culinary careers offer...

Career Alternatives for Chefs: Exploring the Possibilities

Career Alternatives for Chefs: Exploring the Possibilities

Chefs and cooks may have similar jobs, but there are many other career options available for those looking to make a...

Career Change for Chefs: Exploring New Opportunities

Career Change for Chefs: Exploring New Opportunities

If you're a chef looking to make a career change, there are plenty of options to explore. From personal trainers and...

Culinary Careers: Exploring the Possibilities

Culinary Careers: Exploring the Possibilities

Are you considering a career in the culinary field? From subchef to pastry chef, there are many opportunities to explore. ...

What Career Paths Are Available for Chefs?

What Career Paths Are Available for Chefs?

A culinary associate degree is the most common route to becoming a chef. This type of degree can be found at community...

Explore the Exciting World of Culinary Careers

Explore the Exciting World of Culinary Careers

Are you passionate about cooking and looking for a career that will let you express your creativity? Culinary arts offer...

The Culinary Arts: A Comprehensive Guide to the Art of Cooking

The Culinary Arts: A Comprehensive Guide to the Art of Cooking

The culinary arts are the art of preparing, cooking, presenting and serving food. It is a broad area of interest that...

The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Successful Culinary Career

The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Successful Culinary Career

As an expert in the culinary industry, I have seen many aspiring chefs struggle with where to start their career. With so ...

Is Culinary a Viable Career Option?

Is Culinary a Viable Career Option?

Are you considering a career in the culinary arts? It's an exciting field with plenty of opportunities, but it's...

The Pros and Cons of Pursuing a Culinary Career

The Pros and Cons of Pursuing a Culinary Career

As an expert in the culinary industry, I have seen many aspiring chefs struggle with the decision of whether or not to...

Culinary Careers: Exploring the Possibilities

Culinary Careers: Exploring the Possibilities

Are you looking for a career in the culinary arts? If so, you're in luck! There are a variety of culinary careers...

Culinary careers list?

Culinary careers list?

Top 5 Careers for Culinary Graduates: Restaurant Chef, Personal Chef, Catering Service, Bakery and Pastry Chef, Food...

12 Essential Cooking Skills for Beginners

12 Essential Cooking Skills for Beginners

Are you a beginner in the kitchen? Do you want to learn the basics of cooking? If so, you've come to the right place! In...

Cooking: A Skill Everyone Should Master

Cooking: A Skill Everyone Should Master

Cooking is an essential skill for adults, and it doesn't have to be intimidating. With the right resources and guidance,...

Explore the Different Types of Culinary Careers

Explore the Different Types of Culinary Careers

Culinary artists work with food as a medium to create art. They have practical experience in the culinary industry and...